currently under construction

Tools to manage

the meaning of thing

open source tools

Open source tools

( MIT Licence)

Semantic Web


About SousLeSens

SousLesensVocables is a suite of open source tools (MIT license) willing to make semantic web technologies accessible to who wants to digitalize knowledge and reconciliate Business and IT using graphs and ontologies

Souslesens comes from the french expression “cela tombe sous le sens“. It means “it is obvious or it should be, if not yet“.

SousLeSensVocables has the ambition to help people to formalize and share their knowledge using semantic web technologies in order to make it clear, transmissible and actionable regarding data, human and machines.


The corner stone of SLSV resides in this simple thought :

Knowledge can be represented as graphs
Visualizing and graphically manipulating graphs is the best way to understand their content Graph spatialization capabilities dramatically increases expressivity (understanding) of the graph (knowledge) complexity


SousLeSensVocables has the ambition to help people to formalize and share their knowledge using semantic web technologies in order to make it clear, transmissible and actionable regarding data, human and machines.

The corner stone of SLSV resides in this simple thought :

Knowledge can be represented as graphs
Visualizing and graphically manipulating graphs is the best way to understand their content
Graph spatialization capabilities dramatically increases expressivity (understanding) of the graph (knowledge) complexity

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