Inside SLS

SLS is developped not by a professional Developper and does not apply up to date sophisticated development technics. It is more written by the main author like someone writes a book using a simple langage (here pure javascript, html, json, css , jquery) to explain its thoughts.

As the client side intearctions are very rich and quite complex, the code might appearto someone too complex to be easely maintainable and enriched . A the coplete rewriting of the code is unrealistic now, I propose some approaches to sink into it.

Here is a statistic showing the most called SLS functions. It should help to set up a roadmap of code reengineering

PREFIX owl: <>PREFIX rdf: <>PREFIX rdfs: <>PREFIX skos: <>
SELECT  (count (distinct ?s )  as ?count)  ?fnLabel ?fileLabel ?dirLabel  FROM   <>  WHERE {
?s ?p ?o.?o rdf:type <>.
?o  <> ?f.
  ?f  <> ?d.
  ?o rdfs:label ?fnLabel.
  ?f rdfs:label ?fileLabel.
   ?d rdfs:label ?dirLabel.
} group by  ?fnLabel ?fileLabel ?dirLabel   order by desc (?count)

The source SLSV_CODE_CALLS contains a graph representing main directories pages and functions of SLS and the relations between them (function calls by now). This video gives an example of navigation